I put everything I watched on Netflix for 5 years on a dashboard

I put everything I watched on Netflix for 5 years on a dashboard

I've used data from the Netflix platform and the Power BI tool to put together a dashboard of my audiovisual consumption over the past 5 years. From government data to how many movies you've watched on a streaming platform, pretty much everything is available (or it can become available if you know how to extract) in database form to be transformed, analyzed, and viewed.Motivated by the ease of downloading the data from everything I've watched to this day on Netflix (if…

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Politics, social criticism and satire are the trumpcards of terror of "Run!"[análise textual com Iramuteq]

Politics, social criticism and satire are the trumpcards of terror of "Run!"[análise textual com Iramuteq]

Continuing part I of this post (How has horror films reinvented and resurfaced as a genre), is it possible to identify patterns and find out why/questions films like Corra!, The Current of Evil, Babadook and Good Night, Are Mom being so praised?This second part makes a review of criticism on "Run!" – I chose to separate a post for each movie so that the reading does not get tiring and boring (lol).Well, of course, just read the criticisms for generally…

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